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the  working  modalities  present  in  the  direct  and  indirect  Public
           Administration,  as  well  as  the  questions  of  the  administrative
           juridical  regime  concerning  labor  relations;  the  International  Law
           based  on  the  international  protection  of  the  worker  materialized
           in treaties, conventions and recommendations of the International
           Labor  Organization  (ILO)  and  in  guidelines  and  norms  emanating
           from other international subjects and actors, as well as issues related
           to mechanisms for the international solution of labor conflicts.
                 The objectives of this journal are the dissemination of judicial
           decisions made by the labor justice agencies of Minas Gerais, as well
           as the dissemination of national and international doctrinal studies
           seeking the improvement of the operators of the Law. In summary,
           this journal seeks to provide a greater diffusion of knowledge for the
           construction of the values of social justice, the Democratic State of
           Law and for the effective realization of fundamental labor rights.
                 This  journal  appeared  in  1965,  inside  one  of  the  oldest
           regional labor courts in our country, and was incorporated by the
           oldest Brazilian Labor Judicial School - of the TRT/MG. As a result
           of its longevity, the work has undergone a multiplicity of editorial
           phases throughout its existence, constituting an important source of
           historical research regarding the evolution and development of the
           working relationship in Brazil.
                 With the intention of deepening the legal-scientific research,
           the Revista do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho 3ª Região intends to
           approach,  along  with  the  theme  guaranteed  in  its  editorial  line,
           specific themes in each one of its editions, due to its contemporaneity
           and importance to its target public.
                 The constant improvement of its technical content has borne
           fruit, so much that texts (doctrines and essays) published here have
           already been quoted, including by our Supreme Court (STF) on more
           than one occasion.
                 Our  Journal  is  published  every  six  months  and  there  are
           editorial standards for publication, which are published both in the
           physical copies and in the electronic address https://portal.trt3.jus.

                 Rev. Trib. Reg. Trab. 3ª Reg., Belo Horizonte, v. 66, n. 101, p. 07-13, jan./jun. 2020
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